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Financial Services - Lead Generation & Backend Processing Services

Zen Financial strives to provide its partners with a consistent flow of individualized marketing campaigns that will allow them to grow their business. Our specialty is financial services lead generation. We start by developing a calling script and then creating a calling list. We then take the calling list and Do Not Call scrub the databases – ZenFinancial takes all responsibility for DNC scrubbing and also provides call recording in order to guarantee the quality of its leads.

Once the script and calling lists have been determined, ZenFinancial will custom create a training program in conjunction with your trainers in order to ensure that the proper message is being relayed to potential customers. Then ZenFinancial dials, generates leads and handles immediate quality control functions and then can either LIVE TRANSFER the calls, post the data real time into online forms or batch and email over the leads.

Every lead comes with an iron clad quality and DNC guarantee. If there is ever a problem, all clients are given 800 number’s linking directly into our quality control department so that all issues are resolved on the spot. We believe in hyper efficient quality controls so that every lead is not just a lead but becomes a closed sale!

Sample campaign types include: mortgage purchase and refinance, debt consolidation, payday loan, real estate buyer/seller, inbound home-based business sales and up-sell programs, insurance, auto loan leads, and much, much more. If you have a program to sell, ZenFinancial will figure out how to sell it either online or over the phone.

In terms of Backend Functions, ZenFinancial offers a set of unmatched services including mortgage loan processing, insurance claims processing and document imaging in order to ensure not just that a lead becomes a sale but that all of your clients are properly serviced and managed at a very reasonable cost.

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